[brlcad-devel] GSOC 2014
Ankesh Anand
2017-03-21 22:22:09 UTC
+BRL-CAD Dev List

Hi Nimish,

Glad to see your interest in the project, it would be great to see the
Benchmark project driven to production. You can find the system
architecture detailed in the proposal here:
http://brlcad.org/wiki/User:Ankeshanand/GSoC14/proposal. The only major
thing that changed was we decided to go ahead with Django as the MVC
framework of choice. Have a look at the Github repo here:

I am not aware of the priorities for this year's GSoC, hope Sean and others
could provide more info on whether they are planning to consider this
project this year.

Hey Ankesh,
My name is Nimish and i am participating in GSOC for this year. BRL-CAD is
the organisation I believe would be a perfect fit for this program. I went
throught the archives and saw your system built for Benchmark Performance
To be honest, I was quite amazod of great the system was built.
I aspire to contribute to BRL-CAD by taking up this project for this year.
It would be an amazing help if you could assist me on the blueprint of
system flow and a lil bit about the architecture you followed.
Nimish Ronghe
Christopher Sean Morrison
2017-03-22 02:27:07 UTC
I am not aware of the priorities for this year's GSoC, hope Sean and others could provide more info on whether they are planning to consider this project this year.
Any project with a well-researched proposal accompanied with useful relevant patches and presented by a passionate student will receive the highest consideration.

That said, our GSoC priorities for this summer are performance (OpenCL), Geometry Conversion, GUI (Qt), and annotations. Priority simple means that if you submitted the same quality proposal for two topics, we would pick the priority first.


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