Stefan Tröger
2017-01-21 09:05:32 UTC
Hello Sean, BRL-CAD community,
the GSoC time of the year is back again and we over at FreeCAD thinking about
getting involved again. Last Years collaboration under the umbrella
organization worked quite nice, hence I'm asking if you do this again this
year? You have been in the process of setting up a openCAX organization, maybe
this is already done?
As last years result of GSoC have been mixed we did go a slightly different
rout this year and queried our community for students interested in working
with us over GSoC. We have two aspiring candidates which are already involved
in FreeCAD and would love the chance to get involved deeper and with more
impact with such a program.
Love to hear from you guys!
the GSoC time of the year is back again and we over at FreeCAD thinking about
getting involved again. Last Years collaboration under the umbrella
organization worked quite nice, hence I'm asking if you do this again this
year? You have been in the process of setting up a openCAX organization, maybe
this is already done?
As last years result of GSoC have been mixed we did go a slightly different
rout this year and queried our community for students interested in working
with us over GSoC. We have two aspiring candidates which are already involved
in FreeCAD and would love the chance to get involved deeper and with more
impact with such a program.
Love to hear from you guys!