Christopher Sean Morrison
2017-01-31 20:14:24 UTC
There has been discussions and questions on the list about whether we’re going to participate in GSoC again this year. I know there is support from at least four BRL-CAD mentors (probably more) and FreeCAD. There are incomplete actions from GSoC 2016 that need to be addressed (e.g., reimbursements and a survey), but that is on me.
Is there interest from our orgs or any of our newest GCI mentors?
Mentoring GSoC requires a commitment of about 5-10 hours per week (about an hour a day). A mentor must be capable of reviewing work (e.g., running code with their changes) and helping the student progress without them actually relying on you to do something with/for them (e.g., you don’t have to be able to debug their code). You cannot mentor a student that might create a conflict of interest in their evaluation. If there is enough interest, and it’s feeling like there may be already, then there is work needed to clean up our ideas page.
Is anyone willing to be the person in charge of setting up the project ideas page?
This is part of the org application, so it would need to happen by someone (probably not me) this week, before the org application deadline. It entails getting in touch with each partner org, ensuring their task list is adequately defined, and ensuring that there is adequate prioritized variety. I also think we need to present a more balanced and prioritized view across the partner orgs, as our wiki page is inadequate. Migrating to a different system (e.g., using a GitHub workflow on the OpenCAx account) is not out of the question unless there simply isn’t enough time. Either way, setting up the ideas page content alone will require a time commitment from someone and from each org.
Thoughts, discussion? Dissent? Encouragement? :)
Is there interest from our orgs or any of our newest GCI mentors?
Mentoring GSoC requires a commitment of about 5-10 hours per week (about an hour a day). A mentor must be capable of reviewing work (e.g., running code with their changes) and helping the student progress without them actually relying on you to do something with/for them (e.g., you don’t have to be able to debug their code). You cannot mentor a student that might create a conflict of interest in their evaluation. If there is enough interest, and it’s feeling like there may be already, then there is work needed to clean up our ideas page.
Is anyone willing to be the person in charge of setting up the project ideas page?
This is part of the org application, so it would need to happen by someone (probably not me) this week, before the org application deadline. It entails getting in touch with each partner org, ensuring their task list is adequately defined, and ensuring that there is adequate prioritized variety. I also think we need to present a more balanced and prioritized view across the partner orgs, as our wiki page is inadequate. Migrating to a different system (e.g., using a GitHub workflow on the OpenCAx account) is not out of the question unless there simply isn’t enough time. Either way, setting up the ideas page content alone will require a time commitment from someone and from each org.
Thoughts, discussion? Dissent? Encouragement? :)