[brlcad-devel] Accepted into GCI 2016! Tasks needed.
Christopher Sean Morrison
2016-11-09 21:51:28 UTC
With a surge of mentors stepping up at the last minute, BRL-CAD applied and was once again accepted into the Google Code-In (GCI) competition! Thank you to all that are willing to help.

We have a little over two weeks to define initial tasks and get ready. I’ll reach out to those willing to mentor separately with details. Help from everyone getting set up is appreciated. We especially need some brainstorming help defining “sets” of useful tasks that result in a useful feature..

There are two types of GCI tasks: beginner and regular tasks. For beginner, we assume absolutely nothing about their experience or background. Downloading and installing BRL-CAD is a good example. Regular tasks have to have any requirements written down and still keep the work in the 2-4 hour timeframe.

Feel free to brainstorm task ideas on IRC or here on the list. The doc/STRATEGY file in our repo ( http://svn.code.sf.net/p/brlcad/code/brlcad/trunk/doc/STRATEGY <http://svn.code.sf.net/p/brlcad/code/brlcad/trunk/doc/STRATEGY> ) lists a lot of areas of interest and priority projects that might be a good starting point.

Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa
2016-11-10 07:30:57 UTC
Ok, I added two tasks to write the code to port the missing OpenCL
ray-quadric intersection routines. I'm not asking the students to write the
C/OpenCL glue code because I think this will make things harder for
highschoolers. It is probably also best not to require them to compile and
verify their code as well. We can just plain desk check it.

I added the Heart (HRT), and Hyperboloid (HYP) primitives as separate
tasks. I put 3 days as the time to do it. I'm not sure if this is enough.
Could use some feedback on how digestible these tasks are.

Post by Christopher Sean Morrison
With a surge of mentors stepping up at the last minute, BRL-CAD applied
and was once again accepted into the Google Code-In (GCI) competition!
Thank you to all that are willing to help.
We have a little over two weeks to define initial tasks and get ready.
I’ll reach out to those willing to mentor separately with details. Help
from everyone getting set up is appreciated. We especially need some
brainstorming help defining “sets” of useful tasks that result in a useful
There are two types of GCI tasks: beginner and regular tasks. For
beginner, we assume absolutely nothing about their experience or
background. Downloading and installing BRL-CAD is a good example. Regular
tasks have to have any requirements written down and still keep the work in
the 2-4 hour timeframe.
Feel free to brainstorm task ideas on IRC or here on the list. The
doc/STRATEGY file in our repo ( http://svn.code.sf.net/p/
brlcad/code/brlcad/trunk/doc/STRATEGY ) lists a lot of areas of interest
and priority projects that might be a good starting point.
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BRL-CAD Developer mailing list
Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa
PhD in Computer Engineering (Computer Graphics)
Instituto Superior Técnico/University of Lisbon, Portugal
Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa
2016-11-10 07:40:53 UTC
On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 7:30 AM, Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa <
Post by Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa
Ok, I added two tasks to write the code to port the missing OpenCL
ray-quadric intersection routines. I'm not asking the students to write the
C/OpenCL glue code because I think this will make things harder for
highschoolers. It is probably also best not to require them to compile and
verify their code as well. We can just plain desk check it.
I added the Heart (HRT), and Hyperboloid (HYP) primitives as separate
tasks. I put 3 days as the time to do it. I'm not sure if this is enough.
Could use some feedback on how digestible these tasks are.
PS: I considered adding a separate task for someone to write the glue code
but that would require compiling the source code and knowing both C and
OpenCL. Not to mention that it will be kind of dry and possibly
uninteresting work. So I'm kind of unsure if I should add a task like that.
Post by Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa
Post by Christopher Sean Morrison
With a surge of mentors stepping up at the last minute, BRL-CAD applied
and was once again accepted into the Google Code-In (GCI) competition!
Thank you to all that are willing to help.
We have a little over two weeks to define initial tasks and get ready.
I’ll reach out to those willing to mentor separately with details. Help
from everyone getting set up is appreciated. We especially need some
brainstorming help defining “sets” of useful tasks that result in a useful
There are two types of GCI tasks: beginner and regular tasks. For
beginner, we assume absolutely nothing about their experience or
background. Downloading and installing BRL-CAD is a good example. Regular
tasks have to have any requirements written down and still keep the work in
the 2-4 hour timeframe.
Feel free to brainstorm task ideas on IRC or here on the list. The
doc/STRATEGY file in our repo ( http://svn.code.sf.net/p/brlca
d/code/brlcad/trunk/doc/STRATEGY ) lists a lot of areas of interest and
priority projects that might be a good starting point.
Developer Access Program for Intel Xeon Phi Processors
Access to Intel Xeon Phi processor-based developer platforms.
With one year of Intel Parallel Studio XE.
Training and support from Colfax.
Order your platform today. http://sdm.link/xeonphi
BRL-CAD Developer mailing list
Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa
PhD in Computer Engineering (Computer Graphics)
Instituto Superior Técnico/University of Lisbon, Portugal
Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa
PhD in Computer Engineering (Computer Graphics)
Instituto Superior Técnico/University of Lisbon, Portugal