[brlcad-devel] Introduction: Shailesh Tripathi
Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
2017-03-20 22:52:11 UTC
To introduce myself in the mailing list:

I am Shailesh Tripathi pursuing B.Tech. (Part-IV) in Electronics
Engineering from IIT-BHU, Varanasi, India. I am looking forward to apply
for GSOC,2017 for the project "OpenCL GPGPU raytracing".
Currently I am working on porting the primitive "hrt". Other than selecting
as much primitives as possible to port in the time frame, I am looking
forward to add a feature of automatic GPU device selection in case of
multi-GPU system on the basis of a few parameters which would choose the
most powerful GPU of all (the parameter selection needs more thinking,
probably selecting the one with maximum global memory would be helpful). I
am looking forward for other optimizations too.

I have some experience in GPGPU computing, CUDA and OpenCL, and OpenGL. I
am trying to learn CAD and ray-tracing techniques.

Shailesh Tripathi

Shailesh Tripathi
B.Tech. Part-III
Electronics Engineering
IIT-BHU (Varanasi)
Christopher Sean Morrison
2017-03-21 04:06:15 UTC
I am Shailesh Tripathi pursuing B.Tech. (Part-IV) in Electronics Engineering from IIT-BHU, Varanasi, India. I am looking forward to apply for GSOC,2017 for the project "OpenCL GPGPU raytracing”.
Thanks for the introduction Shailesh.
Currently I am working on porting the primitive "hrt". Other than selecting as much primitives as possible to port in the time frame, I am looking forward to add a feature of automatic GPU device selection in case of multi-GPU system on the basis of a few parameters which would choose the most powerful GPU of all (the parameter selection needs more thinking, probably selecting the one with maximum global memory would be helpful). I am looking forward for other optimizations too.
Note that because we’re using OpenCL means that we’re not just limited to selecting or relying on GPU devices. We want to be able to take advantages of all available computational resources.
I have some experience in GPGPU computing, CUDA and OpenCL, and OpenGL. I am trying to learn CAD and ray-tracing techniques.
Great! Look forward to seeing a code modification and details of your proposal.

Shailesh Tripathi
2017-04-01 00:03:23 UTC
Please review my proposal for project "OpenCL GPGPU raytracing" in
In the proposal, the code work flow chart is left. I will complete it by

Thanks in advance!


Shailesh Tripathi
B.Tech. Part-IV
Electronics Engineering
IIT-BHU (Varanasi)
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
I am Shailesh Tripathi pursuing B.Tech. (Part-IV) in Electronics
Engineering from IIT-BHU, Varanasi, India. I am looking forward to apply
for GSOC,2017 for the project "OpenCL GPGPU raytracing”.
Thanks for the introduction Shailesh.
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
Currently I am working on porting the primitive "hrt". Other than
selecting as much primitives as possible to port in the time frame, I am
looking forward to add a feature of automatic GPU device selection in case
of multi-GPU system on the basis of a few parameters which would choose the
most powerful GPU of all (the parameter selection needs more thinking,
probably selecting the one with maximum global memory would be helpful). I
am looking forward for other optimizations too.
Note that because we’re using OpenCL means that we’re not just limited to
selecting or relying on GPU devices. We want to be able to take advantages
of all available computational resources.
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
I have some experience in GPGPU computing, CUDA and OpenCL, and OpenGL.
I am trying to learn CAD and ray-tracing techniques.
Great! Look forward to seeing a code modification and details of your proposal.
Shailesh Tripathi
2017-04-01 00:13:48 UTC
My proposal:

Shailesh Tripathi
B.Tech. Part-IV
Electronics Engineering
IIT-BHU (Varanasi)

On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 5:33 AM, Shailesh Tripathi <
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
Please review my proposal for project "OpenCL GPGPU raytracing" in
In the proposal, the code work flow chart is left. I will complete it by
Thanks in advance!
Shailesh Tripathi
B.Tech. Part-IV
Electronics Engineering
IIT-BHU (Varanasi)
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
I am Shailesh Tripathi pursuing B.Tech. (Part-IV) in Electronics
Engineering from IIT-BHU, Varanasi, India. I am looking forward to apply
for GSOC,2017 for the project "OpenCL GPGPU raytracing”.
Thanks for the introduction Shailesh.
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
Currently I am working on porting the primitive "hrt". Other than
selecting as much primitives as possible to port in the time frame, I am
looking forward to add a feature of automatic GPU device selection in case
of multi-GPU system on the basis of a few parameters which would choose the
most powerful GPU of all (the parameter selection needs more thinking,
probably selecting the one with maximum global memory would be helpful). I
am looking forward for other optimizations too.
Note that because we’re using OpenCL means that we’re not just limited to
selecting or relying on GPU devices. We want to be able to take advantages
of all available computational resources.
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
I have some experience in GPGPU computing, CUDA and OpenCL, and OpenGL.
I am trying to learn CAD and ray-tracing techniques.
Great! Look forward to seeing a code modification and details of your proposal.
Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa
2017-04-01 02:57:29 UTC
Like I said before, on our prior conversation, delete your first two pages.
You don't need a title page or a contents page on a short proposal
document. The written content seems a bit verbose and redundant but it's
mostly ok.

Don't use Comic Sans (it's an offense to font design!). Arial is already
bad enough. Use justified mode as it makes following text on long
paragraphs easier.

RHC and RPC are already implemented, like you noted, and I've desk checked
their patches and they're ok. I just haven't found the time to test and
commit them yet. So you can remove them from your document.

Some of the primitives are going to be harder to implement than considered
in your plan. I'll give you an example. The HALF (Half Space) primitive has
basically infinite volume so it doesn't play nicely with the BVH (Bounding
Volume Hierarchy) object partitioning acceleration structure we currently
have. For this reason some 3D solid modeling tools won't even allow that

Some of the primitives are composite primitives (e.g. SUBMODEL) and this
means their implementation will be more subtle.

EXTRUDE and REVOLVE aren't included in your list of primitives to implement
and those are typically fairly common solid modeling operations.

Other primitives, like the METABALL, are experimental, possibly buggy, and
I don't know if anyone even uses them. You would have to ask someone who's
been along here longer to know it for sure.

DSP (Displacement Map), HF (Heightfield), and EBM (Extruded Bitmap) can
probably be merged together for the most part as their code is relatively
similar. The problem is with backwards compatibility with existing code.
AFAIK DSP and HF are already using the same algorithm on the default code

VOL (3D Volume) is not similar to a quadric at all. If anything it's
similar to the HF (Heightfield) code because it also uses grid traversal.


On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 1:13 AM, Shailesh Tripathi <
My proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/
Shailesh Tripathi
B.Tech. Part-IV
Electronics Engineering
IIT-BHU (Varanasi)
On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 5:33 AM, Shailesh Tripathi <
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
Please review my proposal for project "OpenCL GPGPU raytracing" in
In the proposal, the code work flow chart is left. I will complete it by
Thanks in advance!
Shailesh Tripathi
B.Tech. Part-IV
Electronics Engineering
IIT-BHU (Varanasi)
On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 9:36 AM, Christopher Sean Morrison <
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
I am Shailesh Tripathi pursuing B.Tech. (Part-IV) in Electronics
Engineering from IIT-BHU, Varanasi, India. I am looking forward to apply
for GSOC,2017 for the project "OpenCL GPGPU raytracing”.
Thanks for the introduction Shailesh.
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
Currently I am working on porting the primitive "hrt". Other than
selecting as much primitives as possible to port in the time frame, I am
looking forward to add a feature of automatic GPU device selection in case
of multi-GPU system on the basis of a few parameters which would choose the
most powerful GPU of all (the parameter selection needs more thinking,
probably selecting the one with maximum global memory would be helpful). I
am looking forward for other optimizations too.
Note that because we’re using OpenCL means that we’re not just limited
to selecting or relying on GPU devices. We want to be able to take
advantages of all available computational resources.
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
I have some experience in GPGPU computing, CUDA and OpenCL, and
OpenGL. I am trying to learn CAD and ray-tracing techniques.
Great! Look forward to seeing a code modification and details of your proposal.
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
BRL-CAD Developer mailing list
Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa
PhD in Computer Engineering (Computer Graphics)
Instituto Superior Técnico/University of Lisbon, Portugal
Shailesh Tripathi
2017-04-01 03:35:51 UTC
Hello Vasco Sir,
Thanks a lot for your consideration.
So let me update the list of primitives which I am planning to port:

- HF (I am not very sure)
- SUBMODEL (a bit difficult one)

As you described above, I feel these many primitives would be enough to
keep me engaged for the 3 months.

Do let me know your suggestions.

Also, I am active on irc.freenode with handle "shailesh". Please tell me
when you are free.



Shailesh Tripathi
B.Tech. Part-IV
Electronics Engineering
IIT-BHU (Varanasi)

On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 8:27 AM, Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa <
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
Like I said before, on our prior conversation, delete your first two
pages. You don't need a title page or a contents page on a short proposal
document. The written content seems a bit verbose and redundant but it's
mostly ok.
Don't use Comic Sans (it's an offense to font design!). Arial is already
bad enough. Use justified mode as it makes following text on long
paragraphs easier.
RHC and RPC are already implemented, like you noted, and I've desk checked
their patches and they're ok. I just haven't found the time to test and
commit them yet. So you can remove them from your document.
Some of the primitives are going to be harder to implement than considered
in your plan. I'll give you an example. The HALF (Half Space) primitive has
basically infinite volume so it doesn't play nicely with the BVH (Bounding
Volume Hierarchy) object partitioning acceleration structure we currently
have. For this reason some 3D solid modeling tools won't even allow that
Some of the primitives are composite primitives (e.g. SUBMODEL) and this
means their implementation will be more subtle.
EXTRUDE and REVOLVE aren't included in your list of primitives to
implement and those are typically fairly common solid modeling operations.
Other primitives, like the METABALL, are experimental, possibly buggy, and
I don't know if anyone even uses them. You would have to ask someone who's
been along here longer to know it for sure.
DSP (Displacement Map), HF (Heightfield), and EBM (Extruded Bitmap) can
probably be merged together for the most part as their code is relatively
similar. The problem is with backwards compatibility with existing code.
AFAIK DSP and HF are already using the same algorithm on the default code
VOL (3D Volume) is not similar to a quadric at all. If anything it's
similar to the HF (Heightfield) code because it also uses grid traversal.
On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 1:13 AM, Shailesh Tripathi <
My proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cmIVxU22cFENhS4OvE2JCpIJ
Shailesh Tripathi
B.Tech. Part-IV
Electronics Engineering
IIT-BHU (Varanasi)
On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 5:33 AM, Shailesh Tripathi <
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
Please review my proposal for project "OpenCL GPGPU raytracing" in
In the proposal, the code work flow chart is left. I will complete it by
Thanks in advance!
Shailesh Tripathi
B.Tech. Part-IV
Electronics Engineering
IIT-BHU (Varanasi)
On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 9:36 AM, Christopher Sean Morrison <
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
I am Shailesh Tripathi pursuing B.Tech. (Part-IV) in Electronics
Engineering from IIT-BHU, Varanasi, India. I am looking forward to apply
for GSOC,2017 for the project "OpenCL GPGPU raytracing”.
Thanks for the introduction Shailesh.
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
Currently I am working on porting the primitive "hrt". Other than
selecting as much primitives as possible to port in the time frame, I am
looking forward to add a feature of automatic GPU device selection in case
of multi-GPU system on the basis of a few parameters which would choose the
most powerful GPU of all (the parameter selection needs more thinking,
probably selecting the one with maximum global memory would be helpful). I
am looking forward for other optimizations too.
Note that because we’re using OpenCL means that we’re not just limited
to selecting or relying on GPU devices. We want to be able to take
advantages of all available computational resources.
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
I have some experience in GPGPU computing, CUDA and OpenCL, and
OpenGL. I am trying to learn CAD and ray-tracing techniques.
Great! Look forward to seeing a code modification and details of your proposal.
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
BRL-CAD Developer mailing list
Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa
PhD in Computer Engineering (Computer Graphics)
Instituto Superior Técnico/University of Lisbon, Portugal
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
BRL-CAD Developer mailing list
Shailesh Tripathi
2017-04-01 20:28:44 UTC
*HALF not included (sorry for typo).
- HF (I am not very sure)
- SUBMODEL (a bit difficult one)
Shailesh Tripathi
B.Tech. Part-IV
Electronics Engineering
IIT-BHU (Varanasi)
Hello Vasco Sir,
Thanks a lot for your consideration.
- HF (I am not very sure)
- SUBMODEL (a bit difficult one)
As you described above, I feel these many primitives would be enough to
keep me engaged for the 3 months.
Do let me know your suggestions.
Also, I am active on irc.freenode with handle "shailesh". Please tell me
when you are free.
Shailesh Tripathi
B.Tech. Part-IV
Electronics Engineering
IIT-BHU (Varanasi)
On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 8:27 AM, Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa <
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
Like I said before, on our prior conversation, delete your first two
pages. You don't need a title page or a contents page on a short proposal
document. The written content seems a bit verbose and redundant but it's
mostly ok.
Don't use Comic Sans (it's an offense to font design!). Arial is already
bad enough. Use justified mode as it makes following text on long
paragraphs easier.
RHC and RPC are already implemented, like you noted, and I've desk
checked their patches and they're ok. I just haven't found the time to test
and commit them yet. So you can remove them from your document.
Some of the primitives are going to be harder to implement than
considered in your plan. I'll give you an example. The HALF (Half Space)
primitive has basically infinite volume so it doesn't play nicely with the
BVH (Bounding Volume Hierarchy) object partitioning acceleration structure
we currently have. For this reason some 3D solid modeling tools won't even
allow that primitive.
Some of the primitives are composite primitives (e.g. SUBMODEL) and this
means their implementation will be more subtle.
EXTRUDE and REVOLVE aren't included in your list of primitives to
implement and those are typically fairly common solid modeling operations.
Other primitives, like the METABALL, are experimental, possibly buggy,
and I don't know if anyone even uses them. You would have to ask someone
who's been along here longer to know it for sure.
DSP (Displacement Map), HF (Heightfield), and EBM (Extruded Bitmap) can
probably be merged together for the most part as their code is relatively
similar. The problem is with backwards compatibility with existing code.
AFAIK DSP and HF are already using the same algorithm on the default code
VOL (3D Volume) is not similar to a quadric at all. If anything it's
similar to the HF (Heightfield) code because it also uses grid traversal.
On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 1:13 AM, Shailesh Tripathi <
My proposal: https://docs.google.com/docume
Shailesh Tripathi
B.Tech. Part-IV
Electronics Engineering
IIT-BHU (Varanasi)
On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 5:33 AM, Shailesh Tripathi <
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
Please review my proposal for project "OpenCL GPGPU raytracing" in
In the proposal, the code work flow chart is left. I will complete it
by today.
Thanks in advance!
Shailesh Tripathi
B.Tech. Part-IV
Electronics Engineering
IIT-BHU (Varanasi)
On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 9:36 AM, Christopher Sean Morrison <
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
I am Shailesh Tripathi pursuing B.Tech. (Part-IV) in Electronics
Engineering from IIT-BHU, Varanasi, India. I am looking forward to apply
for GSOC,2017 for the project "OpenCL GPGPU raytracing”.
Thanks for the introduction Shailesh.
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
Currently I am working on porting the primitive "hrt". Other than
selecting as much primitives as possible to port in the time frame, I am
looking forward to add a feature of automatic GPU device selection in case
of multi-GPU system on the basis of a few parameters which would choose the
most powerful GPU of all (the parameter selection needs more thinking,
probably selecting the one with maximum global memory would be helpful). I
am looking forward for other optimizations too.
Note that because we’re using OpenCL means that we’re not just limited
to selecting or relying on GPU devices. We want to be able to take
advantages of all available computational resources.
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
I have some experience in GPGPU computing, CUDA and OpenCL, and
OpenGL. I am trying to learn CAD and ray-tracing techniques.
Great! Look forward to seeing a code modification and details of your proposal.
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
BRL-CAD Developer mailing list
Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa
PhD in Computer Engineering (Computer Graphics)
Instituto Superior Técnico/University of Lisbon, Portugal
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
BRL-CAD Developer mailing list
Shailesh Tripathi
2017-04-02 03:32:15 UTC
Another scope of optimization which I feel is to use atomic operations. I
realized this while reading the rt.cl code. I feel there is a scope of
using atomic operations to boost.

What are your views regarding this?


Shailesh Tripathi
B.Tech. Part-IV
Electronics Engineering
IIT-BHU (Varanasi)

On Sun, Apr 2, 2017 at 1:58 AM, Shailesh Tripathi <
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
*HALF not included (sorry for typo).
- HF (I am not very sure)
- SUBMODEL (a bit difficult one)
Shailesh Tripathi
B.Tech. Part-IV
Electronics Engineering
IIT-BHU (Varanasi)
On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 9:05 AM, Shailesh Tripathi <
Hello Vasco Sir,
Thanks a lot for your consideration.
- HF (I am not very sure)
- SUBMODEL (a bit difficult one)
As you described above, I feel these many primitives would be enough to
keep me engaged for the 3 months.
Do let me know your suggestions.
Also, I am active on irc.freenode with handle "shailesh". Please tell me
when you are free.
Shailesh Tripathi
B.Tech. Part-IV
Electronics Engineering
IIT-BHU (Varanasi)
On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 8:27 AM, Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa <
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
Like I said before, on our prior conversation, delete your first two
pages. You don't need a title page or a contents page on a short proposal
document. The written content seems a bit verbose and redundant but it's
mostly ok.
Don't use Comic Sans (it's an offense to font design!). Arial is already
bad enough. Use justified mode as it makes following text on long
paragraphs easier.
RHC and RPC are already implemented, like you noted, and I've desk
checked their patches and they're ok. I just haven't found the time to test
and commit them yet. So you can remove them from your document.
Some of the primitives are going to be harder to implement than
considered in your plan. I'll give you an example. The HALF (Half Space)
primitive has basically infinite volume so it doesn't play nicely with the
BVH (Bounding Volume Hierarchy) object partitioning acceleration structure
we currently have. For this reason some 3D solid modeling tools won't even
allow that primitive.
Some of the primitives are composite primitives (e.g. SUBMODEL) and this
means their implementation will be more subtle.
EXTRUDE and REVOLVE aren't included in your list of primitives to
implement and those are typically fairly common solid modeling operations.
Other primitives, like the METABALL, are experimental, possibly buggy,
and I don't know if anyone even uses them. You would have to ask someone
who's been along here longer to know it for sure.
DSP (Displacement Map), HF (Heightfield), and EBM (Extruded Bitmap) can
probably be merged together for the most part as their code is relatively
similar. The problem is with backwards compatibility with existing code.
AFAIK DSP and HF are already using the same algorithm on the default code
VOL (3D Volume) is not similar to a quadric at all. If anything it's
similar to the HF (Heightfield) code because it also uses grid traversal.
On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 1:13 AM, Shailesh Tripathi <
My proposal: https://docs.google.com/docume
Shailesh Tripathi
B.Tech. Part-IV
Electronics Engineering
IIT-BHU (Varanasi)
On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 5:33 AM, Shailesh Tripathi <
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
Please review my proposal for project "OpenCL GPGPU raytracing" in
In the proposal, the code work flow chart is left. I will complete it
by today.
Thanks in advance!
Shailesh Tripathi
B.Tech. Part-IV
Electronics Engineering
IIT-BHU (Varanasi)
On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 9:36 AM, Christopher Sean Morrison <
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
I am Shailesh Tripathi pursuing B.Tech. (Part-IV) in Electronics
Engineering from IIT-BHU, Varanasi, India. I am looking forward to apply
for GSOC,2017 for the project "OpenCL GPGPU raytracing”.
Thanks for the introduction Shailesh.
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
Currently I am working on porting the primitive "hrt". Other than
selecting as much primitives as possible to port in the time frame, I am
looking forward to add a feature of automatic GPU device selection in case
of multi-GPU system on the basis of a few parameters which would choose the
most powerful GPU of all (the parameter selection needs more thinking,
probably selecting the one with maximum global memory would be helpful). I
am looking forward for other optimizations too.
Note that because we’re using OpenCL means that we’re not just
limited to selecting or relying on GPU devices. We want to be able to take
advantages of all available computational resources.
Post by Shailesh Tripathi , B.Tech., Electronics Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (INDIA)
I have some experience in GPGPU computing, CUDA and OpenCL, and
OpenGL. I am trying to learn CAD and ray-tracing techniques.
Great! Look forward to seeing a code modification and details of your proposal.
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
BRL-CAD Developer mailing list
Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa
PhD in Computer Engineering (Computer Graphics)
Instituto Superior Técnico/University of Lisbon, Portugal
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
BRL-CAD Developer mailing list